
Photos by McCay Photography
A kindergartner's mind is a beautiful thing. It is curious, creative and inquisitive which are all attributes on which I base my curriculum. Along with developing a child's mind, I also strive to develop a child's spirit with the core Christian beliefs; treat others the way you want to be treated, love your neighbors and BE KIND!

I implement the Spalding method for reading and writing which focuses on phonics and language arts.  Because not all children learn in the same manner, I also use the whole language method which introduces a creative thinking approach to reading readiness. We will use creative drama, book making and journal writing to delve into great literature!

The focus of the math program is hands on learning techniques with sorting, graphing, estimating, problem solving and sensory experiences.  I use the "Math Their Way" curriculum supplemented by the "Math Connects" workbook.

The science and social studies curriculum work together to expand children's knowledge of the world and how it works. We study the cultures and traditions of our world and embra
Lisa Boehm, Kindergarten Teacher/Assist. Director

ce its diversity!

Our kindergarten program offers all this and much more.  Concern for your child's social, emotional and cognitive development are my priority as a teacher. I believe it "takes a village to raise a child" and will work with you to have a successful year. I would love to have the opportunity to include your child in our Covenant family!

God Bless,
Lisa Boehm

• Keep a change of clothing in your child's cubby.
• Label all jackets, sweaters or coats.
• CCCC provides all supplies... nothing else needed but a backpack and a smile!
• A homework folder and book bag will go home every Monday and needs to be returned before Friday of that week.
• Birthdays can be celebrated with special treats. If invitations are going out for a party, remember to invite all the children in the class.
• Please feel free to visit our classroom at anytime. Parent involvement is always appreciated by teacher and student
• Tuition will continue during school breaks unless you use
your 2 week vacation during these times.

Ask the office manager for details.